I know it is a cliché to do a blog about resolutions around the New Year. Truth be told, I don’t really do resolutions; I prefer to do goals. I have fitness goals, financial goals, business goals, personal development goals. After reviewing these for the New Year, I realized that I was missing four very important issues that could improve my life in 2015. Maybe, just maybe, you can relate.
Keep my Joy as close as I keep my Smartphone. There were times in 2014 that I felt overwhelmed by my responsibilities. Professionally, I spoke at over 100 events all around the world (which involves A LOT OF TRAVEL), and promoted a new book release. It was far too common for me to let my activities interfere with my purpose. I love what I do and my mission in life is to have a positive impact on others. However, there were times that all the duties and details that are involved in that pursuit clouded the joy of actually doing it. That distraction seemed to manifest itself in a near obsessive relationship with my Smartphone. I even remember once telling my wife that I couldn’t find my phone while talking to her on it (in fairness, THAT could be senility). There is nothing on a Smartphone more important than my joy. In 2015, I resolve to be as obsessed with joy as I am with emails.
Stop. Breathe. Experience. Like most people, I am pretty self critical. I will say that one of the qualities I do like about myself is that I am very accountable. I have a high sense of duty and responsibility. I think that is a good quality and I feel fortunate to possess it. On the other hand, people who are very accountable often spend a lot of time reviewing the past and anticipating the future. These two activities are excellent for preparedness and to mitigate the impact of unexpected developments. However, they can also conspire to create a negative byproduct: missing the most important moment in time that anyone has…NOW. I am blessed to be in wonderful cities, experience amazing events, even receive standing ovations from generous audiences. Many times, rather than revel in this awesomeness, I am already thinking about what’s next or analyzing what has already occurred. I resolve to enjoy NOW more in 2015.
Listen. As an introvert, it is very easy for me to go inside my own head for long periods of time. I spend a lot of time alone and that only reinforces this tendency. Especially after speaking, it is my nature to shut down socially. I will find a quiet restaurant bar to have dinner and return to my hotel room. However, when I do allow myself to be social, I find so many people who need a compassionate listener. When a person approaches me, sometimes my first instinct is to shut down the conversation with short answers and a lack of reciprocation of interest. How selfish of me. There have been countless times that I have provided an outlet for someone who needed to talk. To refuse another that service is wrong. In 2015, I resolve to listen to others who need someone to share their story.
Stop SHOULDING on myself. Good lord that internal voice can be irritating. My own self talk is the most aggressive task master in my life, by far. Sometimes, I just want to waste time. Sometimes, I just want to sit still and enjoy the music. Sometimes, I don’t want to be “productive.” Every time I try to do so, that annoying voice in my head insists on pointing out all the things I SHOULD be doing. It is such a buzz kill. Rationally, I know it is okay to loaf on occasion, but somehow my brain is uncomfortable with the notion. I plan to have a long, spirited internal dialog about the value of doing nothing. In 2015, I resolve to cut myself more slack when I choose to do nothing. That is, right after I get this blog posted on New Year’s Day. Laugh and Learn, and let me know what resolutions you have made for 2015!
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